
Agora Valencia a beacon of design at WDC 2022 Valencia

Agora Valencia

Agora Valencia

As a beacon of design in the World Capital of Design, Àgora València is now available to all passers-by who want to get to know Valencian design up close. And not only for its architecture and design, by Miguel Arraiz, architect, creative and project director of València World Design Capital 2022 together with Arqueha Arquitectura y Urbanismo and Cosín Estudio; also for the large number of activities that will be housed inside in the last half of the year and its large screen, conceived as a continuous showcase of projects and content related to Valencian design and the official programming of Valencia World Design Capital 2022. Àgora València is a project of València World Design Capital 2022 and the Valencia City Council, which has the support of the Diputació de València, La Marina de València and the companies Inalco, Wandegar and Iguzzini, and takes over from the pavilions that in their day they rose in other capitals such as Helsinki or Taipei.

Agora Valencia has been conceived as the strategic nerve center of the Valencia World Design Capital 2022 program in order to reinforce the scope of the numerous projects, exhibitions, talks and meetings that take place every day in all corners of the city.

Activities calendar

The program, which is growing month by month, presents a continuous activity for the little ones with children’s workshops for families on weekends. Also, days of debate on how design improves people’s lives that will bring together both specialists and citizens who want to join these days. Meetings to reflect on the transversality of design in areas as disparate as urban planning, ecology, international projection, the image of the city, sustainable growth or internationalization.

Agora Valencia is also a space studied following thermal comfort strategies. Its design takes into account climatic variables such as air circulation and solar radiation and directly influences the improvement of the feeling of comfort in relation to the rest of the square. The solar protection formed by the skin of vertical slats manages to reduce the amount of solar radiation coming from the east and west, while the wooden roof acts in a similar way with the light coming from the south, allowing in any case the natural ventilation of the building. The sum of solar protection and ventilation manage to lower the comfort temperature inside the pavilion by up to 10 degrees compared to any other point in the square, and all this without energy input and therefore with 0 CO2 emissions.

Every evening from June 29, an artistic and immersive lighting installation created by the Radiante creative studio will turn the pavilion into a great lighthouse as a symbol of the pride of the entire city of Valencia for being the World Design Capital.

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Digital Tabloid Edition – June 2022 Issue 3 Vol 26

Jinghe New City Culture & Art Centre

ZHA to design Jinghe New City Culture & Art Centre