
The Pandemic and Architecture

The Pandemic and Architecture

The pandemic has thrown many new surprises at us, making us relook our spaces, explore with us on this ever-evolving journey…

While the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused a disturbance in many different industries and ways of life, it has reshaped the architecture and design industries as well. Design and innovation have always been the driving forces behind architecture. With COVID-19 reshaping what we define as ‘normal, the field of architecture seeks to address the various challenges put forth by the pandemic. While the duration of this current pandemic is unknown, it is a good time to anticipate possible architectural developments in the future and learn how to react to them. We share some of the possible architectural changes that are happening in this ongoing and post COVID 19 scenario.

Public Space

Among the many things that will not be the same in the post-COVID-19 world are the spaces we live, work, socialise, shop, study and seek healthcare. While working from home is here to stay in some form, one cannot doubt that there will still be a need to provide those cultural bonds that inspire and motivate people in a physical workspace. As these norms of personal space evolve, public spaces become more flexible in terms of physical engagement. Future architecture projects are already looking into dispersing people in more expansive areas and are generating different and parallel journeys.

Office Space

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt the future of office design from raising questions about shared offices, to open office designs. Increased telecommuting and new means of online interaction have also contributed to the disruption. It is unthinkable that the post-COVID architecture world is not rethinking architecture, construction, furniture placement and design, alongside greater integration of technology. How should office space adapt to the current environment and the changes still to come? Co-working spaces are similarly threatened. Fueled by the rise in self-employment and individuals’ desire to connect to a broader community, co-working environments had grown dramatically in recent years.

So is commercial office space no longer relevant? The decelerating trends carry significant financial, social, and psychological impact. A mass exodus from the real estate market would result in a severe recession—or worse.

Home Space

Since the pandemic started, more people are confined within their home more than before. As home spaces begin to play more significant roles in our daily lives, they will need to adapt to entertain more activities and services. The future of architecture will be very different from what we once know. Even when the coronavirus is eradicated, this pandemic will force architects and architectural firms to be prepared for future viruses or new social norms that the viruses can suddenly bring.

This story is going to keep evolving and we shall keep you updated!

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