
Salone del Mobile. Milano

The Salone del Mobile. Milano flies to India to open up new opportunities for Made in Italy design

The Salone touched down in New Delhi, the capital of a hugely important strategic market for Italian furnishing sector companies, boosted by a favourable economic situation, an increase in purchasing power and growing demand for high-end and design products. 

In the run-up to the 63rd edition (8th-13th April, Rho Fiera Milano), and within the framework of the prestigious India Art Fair, the Salone del Mobile.Milano, a global point of reference for design and furniture, returned to India to renew synergies and strengthen ties with what is a fast-growing market of great interest to Italian companies. India continues to take an increasing part in the Salone, with over 4,890 of the country’s professionals at the 2024 edition.

Salone del Mobile. Milano

Demand for high-end furniture products is booming, driven by increased investment in the real estate and contract sector. The New Delhi event thus represents an important step towards a closer collaboration between Italian companies and the Indian market, with the Salone del Mobile as the leading benchmark design hub. 

The Salone was welcomed to the Italian Cultural Institute of New Delhi by Antonio Bartoli, Italy’s Ambassador to India and Nepal, Antonietta Baccanari, Director of the ITA-Italian Trade Agency Office in New Delhi and Coordinator for India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, and Andrea Anastasio, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute of New Delhi.

The meeting brought together media, companies and sectoral professionals to discuss the prospects and opportunities offered by the Indian market, which is emerging as one of the most dynamic economies in the world, with a forecast growth rate of 6.5% in 2025 and mounting demand for high-end design and furnishing products

Maria Porro, President of the Salone del Mobile.Milano, had this to say: “The presence of the Salone del Mobile in India offers unique opportunities to consolidate trade and cultural relations between the two countries. The performance of Italian exports in the wood-furnishing sector confirms the interest and growth potential in this market, making it a crucial destination for the internationalisation strategies of Italian companies within the sector.

This is why the Salone is here: to guide and support them in a mature market that is increasingly passionate about quality, uniqueness and industrial manufacturing. Equally, this initiative underscores the great opportunities for cultural dialogue between Italy and India. It was to this idea of dialogue that we wanted to dedicate the round table When Design Meets Art and Craft, a discussion between experts who explored the ways in which design can build bridges, redefine perceptions and create new synergies between two countries with strong creative identities.”

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