
Décor and Design Trends 2021

Décor and Design Trends 2021

The year 2021 will be about sustainability, thoughtful choices and design ideas that speak personality, we share some ideas…

2021 will see a major shift in interior design & décor as consumers will view their homes in a whole new light. Home is the most important place in the life of any person. Decor trends of 2021 will be all about personality and character. Bathrooms, in particular, have always been a place of cleanliness and relaxation, but now have become a place of refuge. From finishes to furniture, selecting eco-friendly, or power of color or tiling your floor or wall or any other space in your home, these designs and décor trends will enhance your space and as well as leave a positive environmental impact. Today we share with you some interior design and decor trends for 2021.

All about Colors

One of the main trends in color is the emphasis on bright palettes and rich colors in the design of furniture, lamps, and accessories. Pastel shades, inspired by the Scandinavian style, will be overtaken by muted tones, clean and straight in their appearance, they induce a sense of calm, just the right thing that we need now. These will be complemented by splashes of color like mustard yellows, dark and deep orange, or earthy browns that will blend well with neutrals, giving a cozy, inviting look to space.

Less is more

Sometimes less is more! If you really want a modern house, ask yourself what can be removed, what can be stored and removed from view, and what elements are not essential, and then organize according to priorities. You must be consistent with this process, and return to each room every few months and observe it with new eyes. You will surely find that there is more to simplify. To ensure that surfaces remain clean, give everything a special place. So there will be less clutter, and more space to utilize to your full advantage.

In Harmony with Nature

Natural elements and materials have not lost their relevance. Wood, glass, stone, and metal are still more viable choices for the interiors, and we shall see a lot of natural fabrics in upholstery and décor. Unpainted wood surfaces, stone textures, living plants, ceramics, and wicker furniture are all going to be in high vogue. The nature-based design will dominate and is indispensable. People are becoming more and more aware of this. This trend is going to reflect very strongly across all design ideas throughout the entire year for all areas of the living spaces and dwellings.

Sustainable Modern Design

An interesting trend in 2021 will be the surge in the search of new-age building materials that are high on the sustainability scale. New bio-plastics, reused materials, and low impact pieces for the environment will be an upcoming design trend. Designers are keen to disrupt and challenge themselves to come up with such pieces and we shall see a lot of innovation in this area.

Tile it Up

Marble tiles are very fashionable today, as they give an instantly minimalist look that is also sophisticated and easy to maintain. The use of tiles with a distinguishable geometric pattern and ornament for composing all kinds of compositions when decorating premises is also a fashionable technique today. The use of brick tiles, a simple mosaic, stylization of fish scales or bee honeycombs in 3D-format looks simply amazing. Strict proportions and thin, gracefully drawn lines are a demonstration of good taste since geometry is still in trend.

Also, 2021 will see the most fashionable form of tile which is a hexagon. The popularity of tiles in the form of a regular hexagon will break all records in 2021. The shapes of these tiles and their sizes can expand their traditional range within a single collection. Also, concrete tiles will be a great option and might be a clever, clear winner in the year.

So let’s get decorating!!! 

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Digital Tabloid Edition – Nov 2020 Issue 4 Vol 7

Kitchen and Bathroom Trends 2021