
System Ceramics focuses on sustainability

System Ceramics focuses on sustainability with Manufacturing 4.0 for an increasingly competitive ‘Made In Italy’

Industry 4.0 effectively represents the new frontier of the digital and sustainable transformation of the ceramics sector, a segment that drives the Italian economy with a turnover of 8.7 billion euros, today required to rapidly evolve without losing contact with tradition and the local territory. Thanks to the smart factory approach, System Ceramics, the Coesia company, is revolutionizing solutions for the market, offering enterprises the possibility of achieving a radical change in supply chain processes, making them ever-greener – from the way in which the company produces to how it distributes its products – counting on tools such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and Machine Learning.

It’s a breakthrough for Made in Italy, with roots in the traditional manufacturing industry. System Ceramics has proved to be resilient and competitive with these solutions. Thanks to this solidity it has been able to strengthen its historic partnerships with reference global operators such as ABK, Porcelanosa, Portobello, Kale Group and many others.

 “Sustainability and innovation have become essential factors for doing business – declared Luca Bazzani, CEO of System Ceramics and Vice President of ACIMAC (Italian Association of Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics). Businesses have an increasingly important role to play in the transition towards a new economic system and this requires a cultural and structural change to obtain effective solutions that safeguard the environment without sacrificing growth objectives.  System Ceramics is working on an ad-hoc sustainability plan, aimed at a structural reduction in CO2 emissions and at the optimization of water and energy resources, making our companies and the final products produced with our machines ever-greener”.

In line with Coesia’s green strategy, since 2022 System Ceramics has introduced a Supply Chain structure to invest in careful monitoring of the production chain in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability. The objective is to work with predominantly local certified suppliers, giving customers the possibility to improve, for their part, the sustainability of their final choice.

System Ceramics is making a significant contribution to the ceramics production sector through the research and development of technologies that aim at making the industry increasingly sustainable throughout the ceramic production process: from pressing to decoration, from control to packaging. The Superfast ceramic press, which offers a 70% energy saving, Creadigit Infinity, the digital decoration technology which operates with a water-based ink printing technology, thereby improving the work environment and reducing emissions, and Digiglaze, the digital glazing machine that reduces consumption and waste by up to 30%, together with 90% of the water required for maintenance, are examples. Then, there is the Genesis project, which is able to reproduce marbles and natural stones in a sustainable manner; and finally, 4.0 management software, such as Hypermate, is implemented to optimize the production flow and improve the overall efficiency of a company.

In addition, with a view to minimizing the environmental impact of activities, through new investments, today 30% of the energy in System Ceramics’ production sites is generated with photovoltaic plant and self-generated consumption is planned to arrive at 80%.  500 MWh per year have been saved from the shift from traditional lights to LED lights and, at the same time, the water saving program in progress has enabled a 75% reduction in the use of water compared to last year and more than 7,520kg of water have been recycled for internal use in our plant.

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